Marketing 3.0 philip kotler wikipedia
Marketing 3.0 philip kotler wikipedia

marketing 3.0 philip kotler wikipedia

It's still pretty much centered around the product, although the rise of e-commerce has changed things. What I've learnt in Business and Management (the Marketing component anyway), is that there are 7 P's of Marketing - Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Physical Evidence and Process.

marketing 3.0 philip kotler wikipedia

I think the tag line sums it up best: "From Products to Customers to the Human Spirit". So, the marketer must learn to engage the customers, and well, basically show how they're product is value-added. The essence of marketing 3.0 is that now, customer's are involved and they want more - like environmental considerations. Marketing 3.0 is divided into three simple parts - trends, strategy and application.

marketing 3.0 philip kotler wikipedia

But no matter, my friend's dad (books now gravitate towards me ^^) lent me this really interesting book: marketing 3.0 I guess it's all those rom-com novels finally affecting my brain. So, the marketer must learn After reading fiction for so long, I (strangely) craved some non-fiction to read. But no matter, my friend's dad (books now gravitate towards me ^^) lent me this really interesting book: marketing 3.0 Marketing 3.0 is divided into three simple parts - trends, strategy and application. After reading fiction for so long, I (strangely) craved some non-fiction to read.

Marketing 3.0 philip kotler wikipedia